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  • Dual Luminescence and Long-lived Charge Separated states in Donor-Acceptor Assemblies based on Tetrathiafulvalene Fused Ruthenium(II)-Polypyridine Complexes
    C. Leiggener, N. Dupont, S.-X. Liu, C. Goze, S. Decurtins, E. Breitler and A. Hauser
    Chimia, 61 (10) (2007), p621-625
    DOI:10.2533/chimia.2007.621 | unige:3580 | Abstract | Article PDF
The creation of long-lived charge-separated states in donor-acceptor assemblies has been the goal of many studies aimed at mimicking the primary processes in photosynthesis. Here we present such assemblies based on tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) as electron donor and a dipyridophenazine (dppz) unit as electron acceptor in the form of a fused ligand (TTF-dppz) coordinated to ruthenium(II) via the dipyrido coordination site and with 2,2′-bipyridine (bpy) as auxiliary ligand, namely [Ru(bpy)3−x(TTF-dppz)x]2+ (x = 1−3). For x = 2, irradiation into the metal to dppz charge transfer transition results in electron transfer from TTF to ruthenium, thus creating a charge-separated state best described by [(TTF+-dppz)Ru(dppz-TTF)(bpy)]2+ with a lifetime of 2.5 μs in dichloromethane.


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